Learn more about Montessori pedagogy.
Additional Resources
"Montessori Education Provides Better Outcomes than Traditional Methods, Study Finds," Science Journal article, September 28, 2006. montessori-science.org
Scientific Evaluation of the Montessori Method by Angeline Lillard and Nicole Else-Quest
Art of Montessori in the Home (0-3) by Margaret Stephenson
Art of Montessori in the Home (3-6) by Margaret Stephenson
Traditional Versus Montessori: From a Mom of Both by Leisa Moore
The Untapped Potential of the Absorbent Mind by Judi Orion
Montessori Outcomes by AMI/USA
Strategies for Problem Solving by Janet Bagby and Tracey Sulak
The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori
Montessori From the Start by Paula Polk Lillard
The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davis
The 1946 London Lectures by Maria Montessori
Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissler
The Child in the Family by Maria Montessori
One Hundred Child Development Tips by Heather Pedersen, Ph.D.
Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World By Tony Wagner
Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius by Angeline Stoll Lillard
Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents by Maren Schmidt
A visual summary of Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissler
The Role of the Montessori Teacher by BBC Storyworks
Montessori and the Future of Education by Dr. Steve Hughes
A Montessori Morning follow a time-lapse of one four year old’s morning at a Montessori school
Why Choose Montessori for Your Child by Association Montessori International