Our mission is to provide a multicultural environment that encourages and entices the child to become self-motivated to exhibit their own greatest learning potential while under the guidance of trained Montessori teachers.

Montessori East is dedicated to creating a community that instills peace, courtesy, respect, and a lifetime love for learning.
“At some given moment it happens that the child becomes deeply interested in a piece of work; we see it in the expression on his face, his intense concentration, the devotion to the exercise.” —Maria Montessori,The Discovery of the Child
Our Programs
18 - 36 months
3 years - 6 years
(includes kindergarten)
Lower Elementary
6 years - 12 years
(1st - 6th grade)
Parent Education
We offer various programs and special guest presenters to help educate our staff, parents & the larger community.

“… in every child is the seed that will mature into an adult.”
—Maria Montessori,The Theosophist